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STEP Maths Courses & Tutoring


STEP (Sixth Term Examination Paper) Mathematics is a well-established mathematics examination designed to test candidates on questions that are similar in style to undergraduate mathematics. STEP is used by the University of Cambridge, the University of Warwick, University College London, Imperial College London and others. Other universities sometimes ask candidates to take STEP as part of their offer. There are also a number of candidates who sit STEP papers as a challenge. 


STEP Course

At Edgbaston Education, we offer comprehensive preparation courses aimed at enhancing your knowledge and skills for successful STEP exams. These courses are specifically structured to provide you with the tools you need to excel in your exams. We offer a STEP 2 course and a STEP 3 course. These are run back to back, with the idea being that students who are sitting both exams can sit both courses, which are designed to be complementary. 

Each course is comprised of ten weekly online sessions, each lasting two hours. Additionally, there is a three-hour formal mock exam and individualised feedback provided. Students are also provided with 20 hours of homework assignments throughout the duration of the course.

Both courses involve teaching relevant content, developing problem-solving skills, practice questions in groups, practice questions individually, and marking and reviewing work. The focus of both courses is to teach students how to think like a mathematician, which is what STEP requires. Both courses then finish with a full mock exam for which detailed actionable feedback will be given. Each student will then receive a detailed report intended to structure their revision going forwards. Students will also be set around three hours of homework each week, which is a crucial part of the programme.

In both STEP 2 and STEP 3 students choose which questions they will attempt. Therefore we split both the shorter and longer courses into two parts: core sessions which all students attend and will find beneficial, and then breakout sessions for which students decide between two alternative sessions.


Course Structure

STEP 2 Course Structure 
Session Details
Session 1 Introduction to STEP 2
Sessions 2-5 STEP 2 core topics
Sesstions 6-9 STEP 2 optional topics
Session 10 STEP 2 mock exam (Inc actionable feedback)

*Each course is comprised of ten weekly online sessions, each lasting two hours. Additionally, there is a three-hour formal mock exam and individualised feedback provided. Students are also provided with 20 hours of homework assignments throughout the duration of the course.


STEP 3 Course Structure 
Session Details
Session 1 Introduction to STEP 3
Sessions 2-5 STEP 3 core topics
Sesstions 6-9 STEP 3 optional topics
Session 10 STEP 3 mock exam (Inc actionable feedback)
*Each course is comprised of ten weekly online sessions, each lasting two hours. Additionally, there is a three-hour formal mock exam and individualised feedback provided. Students are also provided with 20 hours of homework assignments throughout the duration of the course.


Course Fee

Course Fee
STEP 2 Course £995
STEP 3 Course £995
*20% discount available for students signing up to both the STEP 2 & STEP 2 Course


Private 1-1 STEP Tutoring

At Edgbaston Education, our Private 1-1 STEP Tutoring provides specialised, expert guidance for the STEP Maths exams. You can opt for this tutoring service alongside our courses or as a standalone service. All sessions are conducted by qualified teachers who hold Mathematics degrees from the University of Cambridge. For more information or to discuss your needs, please contact us directly.


How to Sign Up

To register for our STEP course or for more detailed information, please contact us directly. You can reach us by phone at 0121 758 8767, or via email at enquiries@edgbastoneducation.com

Students can also sign up for bespoke 1-1 tutoring for STEP preparation. Please contact us to discuss this further. 


+44 (0) 121 758 8767 

Enquiry form

Enquiry Form