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UK University Placement


Choosing the right university and course is a crucial decision that involves much more than selecting a university or course based on its immediate allure or fun factor. At Edgbaston Education, we recognise that university education is a stepping stone to your future career, not just an end goal.


Why Edgbaston Education

Edgbaston Education, the career service of Edgbaston College, leverages its exceptional offerings and proven success in UK university admissions to provide a bespoke admissions service to external students. We help students through every step of the university application process, helping you find a university and course that perfectly matches your academic goals and career ambitions.

We understand that securing a place at a top UK university is about more than just having outstanding grades. Our approach is holistic, offering personalised guidance that encompasses academic qualifications, course selection, personal statement support, interview preparation, admissions test support where appropriate and navigating the complexities of the UCAS application process.


UK University Placement

Our services are designed to cater to every aspect of the university application process:

  1. Detailed Academic Qualifications Review: Our service begins with a detailed review of your current academic qualifications. This initial step is crucial for understanding your strengths and areas for improvement, which in turn informs our tailored guidance throughout the university application process.

  2. Extra-Curricular Profile Building: We guide students in strengthening their extra-curricular profiles, a crucial aspect of the university application.

  3. Personalised Course and University Shortlisting: We help align your academic and career aspirations with suitable universities and courses, ensuring a perfect fit for your future goals.

  4. Reading List and Personal Statement Guidance: We support students in developing a reading list prior to providing advice on drafting and reviewing personal statements, ensuring they accurately reflect your strengths and ambitions. 

  5. Interview Preparation and Mock Interviews: Where necessary, we offer extensive interview preparation, including mock interviews, to boost confidence and readiness for this vital part of the application process.

  6. Admissions Test Support: Where necessary, we support students with admissions tests, equipping you with strategies and resources to excel in these critical assessments, enhancing your overall application.


Contact Us & Get Started

Edgbaston Education provides bespoke one-to-one assistance for your educational aspirations. During the Initial Consultation with Owais Ahmed, our Principal and Founder, we focus on gaining a deep understanding of your educational history, ambitions and extracurricular profile. This insightful dialogue is key in shaping a bespoke admissions strategy, maximising your admissions chances. Post-consultation, you'll receive a full report and a detailed plan, including timeframes and costs, designed specifically for your goals. Let our expert team guide you towards achieving your academic and career objectives with our specialised, individualised services.


+44 (0) 121 758 8767 

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